Taking Stock of Craft Supplies-Patterns
Craft supplies, like patterns, don’t exist in your house if you can’t find them. I learned that from my dad as a girl. It makes you think about keeping stock of your stock. Over the past who knows how many…
“Enough Fabric and Yarn to Last Me…”
Is the phrase, “enough fabric and yarn to last me the rest of my life,” truth or myth? Sometimes, it seems that there are not enough days in the week to use up all the stash we have. Yet, we…
I Realized I Had Yarn Boredom
Yarn Boredom? What does that even mean? The realization of the meaning happened for me this weekend on a visit to a local yarn store. This Saturday, I went with my brother to the West Side Market in Cleveland, Ohio.…
Real Life Ravelry Alternatives
Today, everyone seems to forget about real-life, but recently, Ravelry changed that, for me at least. I thought I would share all the alternatives people may have forgotten about since the world of instant virtual patterns came about. Let’s talk…
Hamilton Hat-How I made 24 Gifts in 64 Days Part 3
Making gifts for Christmas ALWAYS seems like a FANTASTIC idea, right? You’re so excited to get all the stuff to make that special person that special gift. Oh, it is SO EXCITING!! Maybe you learned a new skill or…
How I Made 24 Gifts in 64 Days Part 1
Making gifts for Christmas ALWAYS seems like a FANTASTIC idea, right? You’re so excited to get all the stuff to make that special person that special gift. Oh, it is SO EXCITING!! Maybe you learned a new skill or…